From Over Weight to Hypnotist

From Over Weight to Hypnotist

There are thousands of books, fad diets, cocktails and programs in North America alone that focus on one thing, weight loss. Yet thousands of people still struggle to loss those pesky pounds. The irony of it all is that we know what to do. It’s not like we wake up every morning and say,

“How can I eat as much junk today!”

Trust me i get it, I was there. At 22 I was a burnt out University student who had struggle with my weight since puberty. The scale would go up and down like a yo-yo until it got to a point it was only going up. I was stressed, depressed and had isolated myself from the world. If you’d have walked into my room you’d think my undergrad was in wellness. With self help and health and wellness books from floor to ceiling, vision boards on my wall of beautiful lean woman I’d only dreamed to become. Yet my room was a physical representation of my mind, absolute chaos.


While its been over 11 years now, I still vaguely remember my first screening. What I do remember was the desperate need for wanting something to work, warn out from all the stress I’d put myself through, wanting to feel good in my skin but nervous for what the heck this was all about. By the end of my session, there was a shift. I learned that it had very little to do with what I ate, but how I coped with everyday life. It was like watching an old Scooby Do show when Thelma or Fred took off the mask of the monster only to expose the villain, a messy human who’d been a part of the show the whole episode. I realized I had been my own villain in my own way the whole time. I had created my own mess and now it was time to clean it up.


I came face to face with the reality of my need for control and for everything to be “just so.” To be ok with letting go, trying things a new way and stepping into confidence by simply choosing it. I learned to chase my goals and focus on what really mattered in my life which was connecting with people. Most of all, I learned that life happens,we all are thrown curve balls (or in a more professional manor “shit hitting the fan”). I learned how to maturely move through those experiences.


Now 11 years later I am siting in the hypnotist chair seeing many versions of who I once was coming in with the same fears, frustrations and desperate needs for change. To be on the other side is more then just freeing but rewarding to be able to do this work. My mission is simple, to help others create the change to live more fulfilling lives the way I have and achieve their goals. If you are ready to take the next step, or know someone who is, free screenings are available today.